8 Commentaires

Joyeux Noël à vous et à vos proches. Merci pour votre bonté et votre amour du monde, un monde que nous rêvons meilleur.

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Merci et joyeux Noël en retour

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Please take a look now. Even this typically pessimistic commentator on Western civilization has some good news to share:

"[...] This group has their weak points and their strong points. In 2025, there are many reasons to be hopeful regarding humanity's chances of defeating this evil group once and for all. It is all about attacking them more consistently at their strong points and taking advantage of their weak points. It is all about basic war strategy. Millions more every day are joining this ancient battle in order to help bring peace back to earth. Together we are strong and together we will push back one unit [...] when we need to keep attacking their systems of control. We are in a good position now, but we need to apply even more pressure as we move into2025. [...] More more of the public are also now speaking up and throwing rocks at the giant. Sure, a couple of throwing rocks at a giant does nothing but what happens when billions do it? That is now happening. [...] New podcasters, documentary filmmakers, and writers are emerging. People are reg their bravery to speak up at coffee shop at school, and at the dinner table. It is working. More people will join these growing ranks in 2025. This brings the hammer back into the hands the people This gives me great hope."

There is hope!

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Oui je pense qu’il a bcp d’espoir

Car je suis certain qu’à la fin de ce cycle le bien emportera

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Bonjour, merci pour votre travail. Qui sont les faux résistants que vous dénoncez sans les nommer ?

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Cher Bertrand,

Quelle évolution ! L'écriture est transformée ; plus vive, plus claire, avec des formules claquantes.

Comme si les épreuves faisaient émerger des forces enfouies.

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La France est chrétienne depuis la Romanisation. Dieu nous unissait alors dans nos différences

La République est devenue Sioniste avec la Revolution, Dieu est sorti de notre vie, chassé par le Diable qui nous a desuni.

Telle est la France d aujourd hui, ce n est plus la France, c est la République, l arc Republicain quoi.

Joyeux Noël à tous, plus que jamais, avec nos crèches, et n en deplaise a Aubry

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Effectivement c est incroyable la capacité du sionisme de tout envahir

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